Riley Anne is bored out of her thoughts. She's below home arrest and may't go anyplace. When her girlfriend calls her they begin having telephone intercourse. She must cross the time, and what higher method to try this than to play along with her good little pussy. What she's not conscious of is that her step-mother, Reagan Foxx, simply walked into the home and may hear her. Reagan watches her as she walks into the room. Riley has no thought she's there. She retains taking part in along with her pussy. When Reagan makes her presence identified she motions Reagan to maintain going. Her step-daughter is fucking scorching and he or she's gonna take full benefit of this case. Reagan begins caressing Riley's nipples. She licks them as Riley continues to speak to her girlfriend on the telephone who has no concept that Riley's now not alone. When Reagan begins consuming her pussy, Riley moans to acknowledge how good it feels. Despite her protests, when Reagan asks her if she desires to cease she says no. Reagan takes off her garments and begins directing Riley on what to inform her lover on the telephone. She repeats each phrase, getting extra turned on within the course of. When Reagan takes Riley's telephone away from her, she tells her buddy that she will't speak and can name her again later. It's time to place Riley's mouth to higher use. Reagan takes off her panties and sits on her daughter's face. She's been ready lengthy sufficient for this second and needs Reagan all to herself.
Channel: Mommy's Girl