Synopsis: Cute hotel maid Candy Bell is busy cleaning as episode four of Sandra Shine’s sizzling “Intimate Touch” begins. Adorable lovers Shrima Malati and Jenny Ferri are fooling around on the bed taking sexy photos when Candy knocks at their door, and they let her get a good look at them before she excuses herself and leaves them alone to play. Laughing, Jenny kisses her sweetheart and sucks her stiff nipples with great attention, getting her excited. Jenny peels off her white lace bra to rub her own pierced nipples against her girlfriend’s, then moves up to sit on her face. Shrima tugs Jenny’s white panties aside, licking her shaved pink slit avidly. The hot brunette wriggles out of her underwear and spins around into a sixty-nine, lapping at Shrima’s dark-lipped, shaved pussy as she grinds on her mouth. Shrima reaches for her phone, taking more photos as Jenny crouches between her thighs, licking her; Jenny’s flickering tongue on her clit drives her wild, making her shudder and cry out as she orgasms hard. Now Jenny moves astride Shrima’s face again, getting eaten and diddled to a powerful climax.
[03/14/2018] - Intimate Touch Episode 4 - Amorous - Viv Thomas
Channel: Viv Thomas